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CMMI: Guidelines for Process Integration and Product Improvement
10.10.2008 22:17

Mary Beth Chrissis, Mike Konrad, Sandy Shrum

Many organizations use Capability Maturity Models (CMMs) to assess development and maintenance processes, implement improvements, and measure progress. Although consistent in purpose, these models differ in terminology and design--enough sometimes to cause conflict and confusion when used within the same organization. Addressing the need for a more coordinated approach, Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) provides a single framework for improvement in software engineering, systems engineering, integrated product and process development, and supplier sourcing.

This book is the definitive reference for the most current release of CMMI models. To use a CMMI model available on the SEI Web site, users must choose from among multiple models based on their organization's improvement needs. This book provides a single source for all CMMI model information. Readers can get started without having to select a model first--all of the choices are compiled in one place and explained in detail.

The book begins with background information needed to understand the content and structure of these integrated models and how to use them. A case study illustrates their implementation in a real environment. A variety of practical material, such as glossary and index, is also provided. The bulk of the book comprises the content of all CMMI models, covering the 25 process areas (PAs) that span the product life cycle, including detailed best practices.

All CMMI models have two representations. The continuous representation allows an organization to improve using selected PAs at different rates. The staged representation enables organizations to follow a predefined and proven improvement path using multiple PAs. Both representations are described so that readers will more clearly see the similarities and differences between the two representations and will be able to choose the right approach for their organization.

Whether you are new to CMMI or are already familiar with some version of it, this book is an essential resource for managers, practitioners, and process improvement team members who need to understand, evaluate, and/or implement a CMMI model. The ultimate objective of CMMI is integrating processes to improve products; this book contains everything you need to get that done.

Systematic Process Improvement Using ISO 9001:2000 and CMMI(sm)
10.10.2008 22:01

Boris Mutafelija, Harvey Stromberg

Software Process Improvement with CMM
10.10.2008 21:56

Joseph Raynus

Here's a practical, step-by-step approach for improving your organization?s software development process, using the Software Engineering Institute?s Capability Maturity Model (CMM). The book gives software project managers and administrators a real-worldunderstanding of software process improvement with CMM and how it can be implemented in each stage of the software development lifecycle. The book emphasizes software process definition, the effective use of software metrics, and common sense software project management along with CMM specifics. This integrated approach will help professionals achieve continuous software process improvement with CMM as the working guideline. The book explains common misconceptions associated with Software Process Improvement and CMM, and uses many real-world examples taken from the author?s experience in helping business and government organizations define and improve the software development and management process. It includes a detailed case study, over 50 illustrations and tables, and a reference table of key software metrics.
How To Implement the CMM (Second Edition)
10.10.2008 21:53

Diane M. Burwick
At last! How To Implement the CMM - Second Edition is now available to the public. The Second Edition is an update of the original popular book, and is now in paperback form. This book is for the organization just beginning to implement, as well as the organization that has been struggling for some time to be fully compliant with Level 2 and/or Level 3 of the Carnegie Mellon University Software Engineering Institute CMU/SEI Capability Maturity Model (CMM). Ms. Burwick provides instruction for the entire lifecycle of effective implementation from "How to Start" to "A Successful Evaluation." If your organization has had difficulty fully implementing Level 2 and/or Level 3 of the SEI Capability Maturity Model and would like some helpful information to fill in a few holes, or to overcome those seemingly impossible obstacles, this book will provide you with the solution(s).

Rather than a lot of theory, this book provides instruction for practical application. Ms. Burwick explains how to overcome resistance to implementation and much, much more. She provides you with a basic Process Improvement Plan as a starting point, and a standard set of policy, flows, and descriptions that can easily be modified for your organization and serve as the requisite corporate procedure manual for each key process area. She also provides a transition package for use at the project level, with detailed instructions every step of the way.

CMM Implementation Guide: Choreographing Software Process Improvement
10.10.2008 21:46

Kim Caputo

"While the CMM focus on goals and generality makes it widely applicable, this leaves the application problems largely in the hands of the users. Kim Caputo's book provides a pragmatic guideline for how to address the CMM in an organizational context. Themany examples and frequent war stories make for enjoyable reading and provide practical insight into the problems and challenges ahead." -Watts S. Humphrey

The Software Engineering Institute's Capability Maturity Model (CMM) has been widely adopted by companies seeking enhanced quality and heightened productivity in software development. The CMM enables managers to measure their organization's capabilities against a recognized standard and to determine their relative level of software process maturity.

This unique book offers step-by-step instruction on how to put the CMM into practice and how to conduct software process improvement within your own organization. Drawing on her first-hand experience leading process improvement groups in a large corporation, the author provides sound advice on how to get started, points out the problems that are likely to be encountered, and offers workable solutions that have been proven effective in CMM implementation. This book is precisely the guide she would have welcomed when first performing this critical task.

The accompanying CD-ROM contains a range of templates, sample documents, and presentation materials that will facilitate the work of both new and experienced software process professionals.

A Practical Guide to CMMI: Implementation
10.10.2008 21:39

Tim Kasse

Practical Insight into CMMI® is an essential reference for engineering, IT and management professionals striving to grasp the "look and feel of a successful business oriented process improvement implementation". Taking you beyond the Capability Maturity Model® to the integrated world of systems and software, this comprehensive resource presents CMMI® in a manner that is easy to comprehend by higher-level managers and practitioners alike. Written by a world-renowned expert in the field, the book offers a clear picture of the activities an organization would be engaged in if their systems and software engineering processes were based on CMMI®. The book teaches the roles and responsibilities of professionals at all levels, from senior and middle management to project leaders and quality assurance personnel.

Offering a full appreciation of the power of CMMI® to enhance systems and software process improvement initiatives, this invaluable reference captures the essence of each of process area by presenting it in a practical context. From project monitoring and control, quality management, and requirements engineering, to risk management, integrated teams, and measurement programs, this authoritative volume provides you with a complete understanding of CMMI® and the benefits of this integrated approach in your organization. 

Обеспечение качества программных средств. Методы и стандарты
09.10.2008 14:52

Липаев В.В.

Рассмотрены основные понятия, факторы и методы обеспечения качества в жизненном цикле (ЖЦ) сложных программных средств (ПС). Систематически изложены основы стандартизации в области качества ПС, содержание и фрагменты комплекса международных стандартов, регламентирующих качество их жизненного цикла.
Значительное внимание уделено планированию и управлению качеством ПС, а также подготовке систем качества предприятий, обеспечивающих их ЖЦ. Представлены принципы и методы верификации, тестирования и испытаний сложных комплексов программ, определяющие достигаемое качество ПС, совершенствование качества в процессе сопровождения и конфигурационного управления проектами. Отдельный раздел посвящен организации сертификации предприятий, разрабатывающих программные средства и удостоверению достигнутого качества ПС.
Книга предназначена для специалистов, обеспечивающих все этапы жизненного цикла сложных программных средств, создающих и применяющих системы качества предприятий в этой области. Она может служить базой при подготовке и внедрении систем качества фирм для их сертификации и при проведении экспертизы на соответствие международным стандартам, а также может использоваться в качестве учебного пособия при обучении студентов созданию сложных программных средств высокого качества.

Оценка и аттестация зрелости процессов создания и сопровождения программных средств и информационных систем (ISO/IEC TR 15504)
09.10.2008 14:48

Агапов А.С., Зенин С.В., Михайловский Н.Э., Мкртумян А.А.

В книге рассматриваются основы оценки и аттестации зрелости процессов создания и сопровождения программных средств и информационных систем, полностью соответствующие источнику — техническому отчету ISO/IEC TR 15504, состоящему из девяти частей.
Определяется эталонная модель оценки и аттестации зрелости процессов жизненного цикла, предназначенная для практического применения при разработке и конкретных моделей оценки и аттестации зрелости процессов жизненного цикла программных средств и/или информационных систем.
Материалы могут быть использованы: заказчиками в тендерах, компаниями-разработчиками и производителями, системными интеграторами, занимающимися инжинирингом, реструктуризацией, реинжинирингом, поставкой информационных технологий и связанными с ними услугами.
Установленная во второй части ISO/IEC TR 15504 эталонная модель аттестации (оценивания) зрелости процессов и усовершенствования этих процессов может быть использована не только для процессов видов деятельности, связанных с программными средствами и информационными технологиями.

Выбор и оценивание характеристик качества программных средств.
09.10.2008 14:41

Липаев В.В.

Рассмотрены основные понятия, факторы и методы анализа характеристик качества сложных программных средств (ПС).
Систематически изложены сущность и содержание стандартизированных характеристик, субхарактеристик и атрибутов качества ПС. Отражены свойства внутренних и внешних метрик качества, а также метрик качества программ в использовании. Показана их зависимость от ряда внешних и внутренних факторов, а также от ограниченности ресурсов при создании и применении ПС по прямому назначению. Приводятся примеры мер и шкал для выбора и оценивания значений атрибутов качества сложных комплексов программ.


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